domingo, 12 de junho de 2011

It's been a while...

... since I last posted here.
I now that nobody will be reading this, but today I felt like writing.

I've just finished a movie:

Paul Giamatti is a hell of an actor - brilliant performance.
Great movie, by the way.

This movie moved me, I have to say. There are a lot of reasons for that to happen.
There's a very beautiful love relation between Barney (Paul Giamatti) and Miriam (Rosamund Pike) - it got me thinking about my long abstinence with love relations... true love relations, I mean. It's kinda sad.
It has also something to do with Alzheimer's Disease. My grandfather had it and I'm afraid of having it in the future or seeing my father getting it with his aging. Let's hope it won't happen.

Well, I'll go to sleep now. I was halting between going to a pub and take a drink or go to bed... it's too cold outside - easy choice.

I'll keep posting.
